Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why Proprietary Software when there's more in FOSS ?

Every creation in this world has a mission to do. No one is created to do nothing.

You may ask us the following questions:

1.Is this blog an official blog of Anna university?
2.Why you created this blog?
3.Who are you?
4.Well why should i believe you?
5.How can i help you?


1.Is this blog an official blog of Anna university?

.We are not Anna university

2.Why you created his blog?

If you are student of one of the Anna university affiliated college ,you should be familiar with the syllabus of it.They teaches engineering students following proprietary software's Micro$oft office(first year),Oracle(RDBMS),Micro$oft Visual C++(Visual Programming), Micro$oft.NET(C# and Dot net), Rational Rose(Case tools),Adobe photoshop(Graphics and multimedia),and many more.
Well Most of the colleges buy/crack these softwares and use them in their laboratory.

The syllabus makers of annauniversity are totally ignorant to the Freesoftware.
To escape the criticism of people from freesoftware movement,they have introduced free software as an elective.Well who in the world cares about electives? In most of the colleges Students are never allowed to choose electives hod's and staffs choose them? Last year only one college choose FOSS as an elective!

This blog has been created to make the people of tamilnadu realize the dangers of non-free software(proproitery software) in education and tell anna university to change.

3.Who are you?

Its not 'you'. In the world of free software its we. We are students of annauniversity, industries who support free software, people from Linux user groups.

4.Why should i believe you?

You should believe you because we are telling you the truth.It took us more than 200 years to realise that we are ensalved by british.Please don't take those much years to realise the slavery created by proproitery software.

5.How can i help you?

You can help us by using/supporting free software.If your college/school is using proprietary software, then ask them to switch.Tell them what you got from free software.

Happy hacking :)